Sexual Violence

Links are for information only. The WRC does not constitute endorsement or accuracy of the information.
Updated February 11, 2025

Sexual violence is an umbrella term for different types of violence, including domestic and dating violence, sexual assault and harassment, and stalking. 

Domestic & Dating Violence

Domestic violence is patterns of abusive behavior in an intimate relationship where two partners are living in the same household. Dating violence is violence in a social relationship of an intimate nature. 

24-Hour Crisis/Shelter Hotline

1 (800) 773-3645

Esperanza Shelter

(505) 473-5200
1 (800) 473-5220

Haven House

Crisis line
(505) 896-4869
1 (800) 526-7157

New Mexico Safe At Home Confidential Address Program (CAP)

1 (800) 477-3632

New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence

(505) 246-9240

New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs

(505) 883-8020

New Mexico Legal Aid


S.A.F.E. House

(505) 247-4219
1 (800) 773-3645 (crisis line)

Casa Fortaleza

(505) 910-4031

UNM Women's Resource Center 

(505) 277-3716



Domestic & Dating Violence Additional Resources

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is dedicated to the empowerment of battered women and their children and therefore is committed to the elimination of personal and societal violence in the lives of battered women and their children. The are involved in coalition building, non-violent alternatives, public education, and policy development.

Women's Law Initiative website has answers about domestic violence in New Mexico. The website also has information about protection orders designed to stop violent and harassing behavior and to protect you and your family from the abuser.

Sexual Assault & Harassment

Sexual assault is defined by University of New Mexico Policy as a forcible and non-forcible offenses. Forcible offenses include forcible rape, sodomy, fondling, or assault with an object. Non-forcible offenses include incest and statutory rape. For more information on these and other campus policies please visit the please visit the UNM Pathfinder - UNM Student Handbook.

Sexual harassment is defined by University of New Mexico Policy as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. For more information on this policy visit the University Business Policy and Procedure Manual.

National Sexual Assault Hotline

1 (800) 656-4673

Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico

(505) 266-7712
(505) 266-7711 (24-hour hotline)

UNM Compliance Ethics and Equal Opportunity

(505) 277-5251


Sexual Assault & Harassment Additional Resources:

9 to 5 National Association of Working Women provides information on legal rights and strategies to win fair treatment on the job.     

Atlantic Training offers an online training course in Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees

RAINN Rape Abuse & Incest National Network 

The Network/La RedThe Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, kink, polyamorous, and queer communities. The Network/La Red es una organización de justicia social dirigida por sobrevivientes que trabaja para eliminar el abuso de pareja en las comunidades lesbianas, gay, bisexuales, transgénero, kink, poliamorosas y cuir.


Stalking is defined by the New Mexico Domestic Violence, Harassment, and Stalking Act as conduct that causes fear for the victim due to repeated acts of following. 

Aggravated stalking occurs when an individual knowingly violates court orders or possesses a deadly weapon. 

For more information on Domestic Violence, Harassment, and Stalking Act refer to the New Mexico Domestic Violence Benchbook.

For more information see Stalking Resource Center. 
