Lactation Stations


The University of New Mexico wants to support those students, staff, faculty, and their partners/spouses who chose to continue chest/breastfeeding their children after they return to school or work. The Chest/Breastfeeding Support Program includes lactation rooms on campus, some of which are equipped with hospital-grade pumps, links to lactation resources, and facilitates communication between current, past, and future chest/breastfeeding parents on campus.

Lactation Stations

Lactation Stations are safe places around UNM campus for parents to pump or chest/breastfeed. You can see these locations on the campus map here. Once you are on the map, check the "lactation stations" box on the left hand side of the map directory.


*Information is constantly being reviewed and updated; if you have any questions, please contact

You may need Badge Access to access lactation stations on North Campus and some Main Campus locations:

-Domenici Center

-Business Center

-Zimmerman Library

-Centennial Science and Engineering Library

-Physics, Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Sciences (PAIS) building room 2249


*Please note that some businesses are only accessible during business hours*


NM Breastfeeding Legislation

N.M. Stat. Ann. § 28-20-1 (1999) permits a mother to breastfeed her child in any public or private location where she is otherwise authorized to be. (SB 545)
N.M. Chapter No. 2007-18 (2007) Requires employers to provide a clean, private place (not a bathroom) for employees who are breastfeeding to pump. Also requires that the employee be given breaks to express milk, but does not require that she be paid for this time. (HB 613)

 US Breastfeeding Legislation

The Breastfeeding Promotion Act, HR 2122, was reintroduced in the House of Representatives on May 10, 2007. The BPA amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect breastfeeding women from being fired or discriminated against in the workplace, provides tax incentives for businesses that establish private, lactation areas in the workplace, provides for a performance standard for breast pumps, and allows breastfeeding equipment to be tax deductible for families. For more info go to Representative Maloney's (D-NY) home page.

Chest/Breast Pump Help

How to Assemble Your Accessory Kit

How to Use an Electronic Breast Pump
